Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The E3 Strikes Back

As summer burns closer, so does the desire for E3.  The Electronics Entertainment Expo is returning to the Los Angeles Convention Center.  Last year, the LACC hosted an enormous, three-day event that housed hundreds of exhibits, and thousands of fans.

The annual entertainment trade show, presented by the Entertainment Software Association, is considered to be the 'ultimate expo in the video game industry', with little room for argument.

After an overwhelming 70,000 attendees in 2005 and 60,000 attendees in 2006, the expo was unfortunately limited to invitation only guests and legitimate members of the media.

Sadly, that tradition carries on, as some of video game's biggest fans are left to revel in the post-mayhem pictures and slideshows - like the one I made last year!  Check out some of the photos!


  1. Hell ya! Looks like so much fun. Are you going again this year? I cant wait to see some stuff that is going to be there this year.

  2. My friends and I always hold an E3 party...probably the geekiest thing we do all year...

  3. Can't wait to see this year's e3 event in action!

  4. That TRON picture is nuts. I want one of those freaking bikes.

  5. I wish e3 was open to the general public :(

  6. i would like to see that as well.. but i can't!

  7. The AC picture is cool, one of my favorite games all time! Well it can't beat games like Zelda/Half life/Mario games :D

  8. Who pays my flight to visit this event? :)

  9. I hope Konamis presentation this year is as funny as last year

  10. Attendance issues always screw over the fun. I couldn't go to my beer fest this year for that very reason. 10,000 people showed up last year, and they had to reduce that... At least we have pictures.

  11. Is Gearbox there? i will love to see some Duke Nukem Forever pics. Or they strippers, either way i will be happy .

  12. I just hope games get shown this year and not just possible new hardware

  13. Some good stuff is gonna be at E3 this year, I can't wait to get a glimpse of it.
